
The Computational Models and Designs Hub

The Computational Models and Designs Hub is a Departments of Excellence project that builds on the successful experience of the Behave Behavioural Sociology Laboratory.

The aim of the Computational Models and Designs Hub is to synergistically enhance and coordinate the activities of lecturers and researchers within the SPS Department actively engaged in computational social and political science. The hub engages in didactic and research activities, consolidating the Department’s capacity to attract and develop talent, strengthen external partnerships, promote the dissemination of methodological innovations in the computational social sciences, and produce FAIR datasets.

The Computational Models and Designs Hub aims at coordinating three departmental initiatives related to the development of computational social and political sciences:

The Behave laboratory, established thanks to the previous round of the “Dipartimenti di eccellenza” project, conducts research and training activities in the area of behavioral sociology.

The Because project, with a dual mission of external training and internal skills enhancement, focused on models and methods for causal analysis.

The MacPols laboratory, our mission.