Luigi Curini

Luigi Curini is a Professor of Political Science at the Università degli Studi di Milano. His research expertise encompasses various fields, including the spatial theory of voting, electoral competition, legislative behavior, text analytics, and computational politics. At the University of Milan, he is responsible for the scientific program of DAPS&CO (Data Analytics for Politics, Society, and Complex Organizations), a cutting-edge curriculum designed to train future social and political data scientists.

Luigi Curini has made significant contributions to the field, publishing over 50 scientific articles in prestigious international and Italian journals. He is also the co-editor of the SAGE Handbook of Research Methods in Political Science & International Relations (2020). Additionally, he has served as a referee for renowned journals and participated in the evaluation of research projects for the Italian Research and University Evaluation Agency (ANVUR).

Furthermore, Luigi Curini has been a Fellow at IREF (Institute for Research in Economic and Fiscal Issues) since 2018. He has also made notable contributions beyond academia as the original founder of VOICES from the Blogs, a successful spin-off of the University of Milan.

For more detailed information, please refer to his full CV or follow him on Google Scholar, ResearchGate, and